a year of stories - 22 of 52 / by Carey Pace

*This post is part of a collaborative project - a year of stories shared by a group of 15 photographers every Tuesday in 2016.  Please visit Mel Karlberg after you read this post to continue the circle.*

The afternoon of May sixteenth found us ladies yet again alone while the boys were off at baseball practice.  Some days it feels like baseball has taken over our life.  Actually I think it has taken over our life. 

We have enjoyed watching things bloom at this new house.  We moved in at the start of July, past the spring window where all the flowers blossomed.  This evening the Lady and I watched the bees buzz around the plants in our front bed, visited the tree swing (of course) and climbing rope, used the hammock as a swing as well, and then asked our neighbor boy if we could look at the white peonies in front of his house.  My little Lady sure is missing her plentiful pink peonies from the Tennessee house. 

It was an evening full of nothing in particular and yet full of everything in particular all the same. 

*This post is part of a collaborative project - a year of stories shared by a group of 15 photographers every Tuesday in 2016.  Please visit Mel Karlberg  after you read this post to continue the circle.*