a year of stories - 21 of 52 / by Carey Pace

*This post is part of a collaborative project - a year of stories shared by a group of 15 photographers every Tuesday in 2016.  Please visit Tess Runion after you read this post to continue the circle.*

It is interesting, amusing, and sometimes heart breaking to watch the dynamic of the relationship of your children blossom and grow.  My daughter is the strong extrovert that NEEDS her brother's companionship most of the time.  My son is an introvert who wields the power in the relationship, oftentimes unfairly.  My daughter doesn't share her brother's inherent love of sports, but relationships are a dance of give and take.  We can't have it our way all the time.  

We are navigating the waters of learning to compromise.  Sometimes you do what someone else prefers to do, in order to have some time later on with your preferred activity.  And maybe, just maybe, you may find you don't mind that originally dreaded activity so much after all.  That works both ways.  

Lately, my Lady has been playing yard-one-on-one baseball with her brother.  There's usually controversy of one kind or another every time.  Her brother takes advantage of her lacking knowledge of the rules and considers himself the ultimate referee on all calls, regardless of his position to see what truly happened or not.  But with what started as an annoying means to an end has turned out to something they've been doing together more afternoons than not, and I daresay, she enjoys it. 

Without further ado, I give you May 11th: an evening without formal baseball practice or a game, but baseball nonetheless.   

*This post is part of a collaborative project - a year of stories shared by a group of 15 photographers every Tuesday in 2016.  Please visit Tess Runion after you read this post to continue the circle.*